The Wonderful Everyday

IPA Effectiveness Awards Case Study 2018

After 25 years of growth, IKEA’s UK sales, penetration and footfall were all declining. It needed to gain more customers and get people to buy a broader range of its products. ‘The Wonderful Everyday’ strategy rejected seasonal or event-driven marketing for an always-on approach with more personalised copy. Media were chosen to reach consumers when they were most likely to be thinking of their homes. Penetration rose 10% and all IKEA product categories reported growth. It is estimated that £755m of incremental revenue was generated and the ROMI was calculated at £2.31 for every £1 invested.

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Ingvar said “The feeling of having finished something is an effective sleeping pill.” At IKEA, we are never finished, always on the way, always doing and learning. So although The Wonderful Everyday has been running for more than four years now, no two campaigns within it have ever been the same; each time we build on what we have learnt from the campaign before, and this is something we continue to do. This doesn’t mean getting it right every time—we’ve pursued different routes that haven’t always succeeded, but that doesn’t mean they are dead-ends, we are learning every step along the way. But performance is only half the story, for our teams process is equally important; we have spent a lot of time working with Mother and our agencies to develop a process that is able to help us make the everyday marketing reality smoother and more effective. After all, shouldn’t how we work together be as wonderful as the work we create together?

Laurent Tiersen, Marketing Manager

Winners 2018

Silver Winner


The Wonderful Everyday







Principal Authors

  • Kieran Bradshaw - Mother

Contributing Authors

  • Aaron Haynes - Vizeum
  • Charlie Ebdy - Vizeum
  • Adam Bailey - MediaCom Business Science
  • Andrew Deykin - Data2Decisions

Credited Companies

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