Saying the unsaid
IPA Effectiveness Awards Case Study 2018
In a slow growing category, with a string of failed communications campaigns, Maltesers was in a tough spot. When the Channel 4 Superhumans Wanted competition launched, the brand seized it as a catalyst to break free of its unlucky streak. It was a brave move. However, the entry’s daring and provocative representation of disability won Maltesers the competition, and was well received by the public. It created a 10% uplift in sales; got Maltesers an invitation to the House of Commons; and ultimately proved the business case for doing similar work in the future.
Click to purchase this case study >At every single level, at every metric, I think it’s such a wonderful example that you can do something that has a positive business impact and a positive impact on society and that you don’t have to trade those things off against each other. Internally, we put some processes in place, so for example we started an apprenticeship scheme in marketing… there are a lot of people who won’t go to university. How can we use that brilliant diverse talent and bring it into the business in marketing and sales? We’ve done a similar thing with AMV BBDO where we’ve set up a scholarship for film school, which is incredibly expensive, particularly focused on attracting lower socio-economic groups and also women, who are massively under represented as Directors in the film industry and the advertising industry. There’s also a whole bit about a culture of acceptance. You lead from the top by being yourself and that’s not a perfect human being. Saying that you’re not perfect, showing your own humanity… that creates a culture. I really encourage my team to do that.
Michele Oliver, Global Corporate Brand and Purpose Director
Mars Inc
Saying the unsaid
Mars Inc
Principal Authors
- Elly Fenlon - AMV BBDO
- Emily Harlock - AMV BBDO
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- MediaCom - Media Agency
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